linux I/O编程,用select()函数和无名管道机制实现



#include "select.h"
 * comment:
 * pipe is used between two processes on the same computer.
 * */
#define TIMES 50
int main()
	int pipefds[2];
	int i;
	//int pipe(int fd[2]) 
	if( -1 == pipe( pipefds))
		printf( "Error when create pipes\n");
		pid_t pid = fork();
		//pid_t fork(void)
		if( 0 == pid)
		{// child
			printf( "child running\n");			   
			close( pipefds[0]);
			for( i = 0; i < TIMES; ++ i)
				write( pipefds[1], "I am a good boy!",\
						strlen( "I am a good boy!"));
			printf( "parent running\n");
			char buf[256];
			close( pipefds[1]);
			fd_set readfdset;// file descriptor set
			for( i = 0; i < TIMES; ++ i)
				FD_ZERO( & readfdset);
				// add read file descriptor
				FD_SET( pipefds[0], & readfdset);	
				// add standard input
				FD_SET( 0, & readfdset);
				//int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
				//  fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
				select( pipefds[0]+1, & readfdset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
				if( FD_ISSET( pipefds[0], & readfdset))
					buf[ read(pipefds[0], buf, 256)] = '\0';
					printf( "Receive:%s\n", buf);
				if( FD_ISSET( 0, & readfdset))
					buf[ read( 0, buf, 256)] = '\0';
					printf( "Print:%s\n", buf);
			}	//end for TIMES
			int status;
			wait( & status);
		}	//end if pid
	}	//end if of creat pipee
	return 0;

